How Visual Artists can sell their NFTs?

“Oh! No! I am not a salesperson. I can’t do sales talk. I am not a marketing person either! I have never done it. I can only draw, paint and perform!. How should I go and sell my NFT ?”
Well, everyone is an artist and everyone is a salesperson too! If you can smile and make others too :) with your spoken words, you too can try selling! Ok, make others smiling is not enough. Like any other field of art, interacting with others in the NFT community has a significant role in getting the focus and attention on your work. Not to mention sharing your work on Twitter and Instagram.
Soft sell or hard sell ?
You have Clubhouse and Spaces to Chill, Spill and Shill! See, you are already half way through by entering those crowded places! Yes, just be you! Smile, Introduce yourself, and your NFTs. Tell your story in your own way.
In the NFT metaverse landscape, artists have no middleman to sell their art. We have to do it ourselves. I was hesitant to talk about my genesis drop in one of those crowded room full of strangers in Clubhouse and Twitter Space. But speaking about your work for 20–40 seconds makes a difference. No jargon please. Be real and to the point. When you talk, your profile in Clubhouse or Twitter Space get attention and thus your pinned NFT post too.
Got a bid ?
However, getting a bid for your NFT depends on the collector. Investing in NFT is by and large a personal choice of the collector. If a NFT-art holds meaning for your collector, there’s a chance of bid to happen. Remember value of your NFT is based on the collector willing to pay for it. So the demand will derive and drive your NFT’s price.
So, keep creating excellent NFTs. Rest is assured. In the meantime, chill, shill and be patient.
Tailpiece : Go and check your inbox now, an email notification from marketplace is waiting for you.
By the way, besides all mentioned above; if you would like to check my unsold NFTs!
See below links. :)
Journey to self. — Async Art
Dali’s sacred moustache — Foundations
Have water — OpenSea
The crowd. The untruth — TryShowtime