Never sell your NFTs! “ Let someone love it.

Collins Dictionary has chosen “NFT” as the word of the year for 2021. Other dictionaries chose various words, and, of course, everyone has their own likes and biases. That’s OK. At the very least, you have a choice in the less decentralised word locations.2021 was a year of experiential, engaging connectedness and togetherness. It was meta. It was the year of the NFT. This was destined to happen on the Web 3. There we discussed art. We discussed NFT. We discussed more NFTs, and we discussed lesser-known subjects. I didn’t know what FOMO was until someone explained it to me, and I still don’t have it. I moved a lot of pixels for myself and a few for others, with no claims to fame or acceptance.

I removed my facemasks at home and wore Meta-Masks while I tried to eat seed phrases in breakfast bowls. Wallet addresses were like a one-word rejoinder that Tharoor never included in his Tharoorosaurus, and I never tried to explain the meaning, and never claimed I was an OG. I bought ETH for the first time in April 2021. Malayalis demanded Ethu, Enthu, ETH, ETHu! I have burned few calories and ETHs explaining what ETH is to me, and they nodded their heads to say no and yes. I went with ETH and ended up in Ethra Etheru.
I drank lots of gallons of water in the wee hours of the Indian nights. Clubhous-ed with completely strange and unknown humans from around the world. Some were kind and exchanged smile emojis. Some invited me to speak; some became DM-able friends. Some followed, and a few never cared to reply. Some asked via DM to be retweeted with their project tweets. I did it and spoke for them and didn’t ask for any POAP proof!
Two bought my NFTs, which they really loved. You should be aware that my two collectors have become friends, and friends cannot buy your work all the time. I greatly appreciated and advised patience. However, no one was there to test my patience level anyway, and I am in no hurry to reach oblivion. I have never burned NFTs and never will. Minted and listed a few NFTs. Followed and exchanged tweets with tadpoles, small fish, sharks, and whales, but never got a chance to swim with them, and I am planning to take swimming lessons soon. But everyone said every morning, “two letters,” “GM.”
Some whales talk and are approachable. However, you can’t just jump into the deep blue sea waters without a life jacket.